Thursday, March 21, 2013

Beautiful Baby Shower

My good friend Amy is due in about a month with her first baby. A girl! A few of us from the ward threw her a shower last Saturday.

I was in charge of Games-
I got lots of prizes...

 ...1. for the winers of the clothespin game (If you are caught crossing your legs, you get your pin stolen. Whoever has the most at the end wins)

2. For the winner of the baby food game. Guessing the flavor by sight only

3. For the person with the guess closest to the actual number of Jelly Bellys. Emme did awesome and guessed 350, the exact amount.

4. And of course, this one- I uncovered an assortment of baby items for 15 seconds and then covered them again. Whoever remembered the most was the winner.

It was a lot of fun!