Utah Shower:
Diaper Pin game.
Med School Shower:
Trish made some AMAZING homemade horde-overs!
...and a cute Diaper Cake!
What I enjoyed most about this shower were the Mommy Moments bags my lovely host made me. She pulled me aside after the shower and told me that as a new mom, I would definitely have days when I would feel overwhelmed, exhausted, etc. "At those times," she said, "you can grab one of these bags, sit in a quiet place by yourself and open one." Apparently inside each one is a little candy bar and an inspirational quote to lift my spirits at such times. Such a great idea! I can't wait to open my first one...(well, sorta) ;)
I'm now looking forward to another two showers here in El Paso (one from previous co-workers & one from church) that, yet again, people have been so kind to throw for me. Baby Mohlman and I are definitely being spoiled. Thanks everyone!