Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Part 1

This morning I opened a pretty sparkly card my mom sent to Jeff and I, along with...


...The Les Miserables CD!!!

Jeff also left me a sweet note on the counter this morning with my FAVORITE candy!

                          Today in Kindergarten, I got plenty of happy valentines from my kiddos:

                              My students REALLY know me well-with the crazy pens and Disney :)


         We had a nice day at school passing out valentines and having pizza, cupcakes and cookies. On a side note, on the way home from school, I saw a homeless guy on the street with a sign that he was hungry. So I reached into my GINORMOUS bag of heart shaped chocolates from my kindergarteners and gave one to him. Everyone needs a Valentine on Valentines Day...I LOVE VALENTINES DAY!